AMS offers a Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) course and STEM Club to all grades. Students involved in these programs compete at a regional level.
AMS offers 20 clubs to encourage students to be involved as well as become leaders within the school and community. Some of clubs included are Builders Club, Student Council, Beta Club, National Junior Honors Society, Families Ignite Reading Excitement, Knowledge Bowl, Drama Club, Battle of Books, Destination Imagination, Library Crew, Bobcat Ambassadors, Military Kids, Bobcat Buddies, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, CLICK, FCA, Yearbook, Talent Show, Writing Contests, Art Club, ELT, Career Day.
AMS offers three regionally and nationally recognized performing arts programs. Band, orchestra, and chorus meet five days a week during the school day. Also, AMS has added a symphonic band and symphony orchestra programs. Along with the performing arts programs, AMS has a outstanding visual arts program with local, state, and national recognitions.
Clubs and organizations are required to participate in various community outreach programs. Some of the traditions include Pennies for Penguins, Kids Kan, West TN Veterans Home, Relay for Life, Kindness Initiative, Gallaway Nursing Home, Downs Syndrome Walk, Race for Education, Grace St. Luke's Feed the Homeless.
Arlington Middle School curriculum focus is literacy based. For the 2014-15 school year, AMS received a TVAAS growth score 4
Extracurriculars: Competitive basketball, cheer, and dance
Gifted Education: APEX Language Arts
Special Education: Functional Skills and Co-Teaching Math and Language Arts
Parent Involvement: AMS has an outstanding Parent Teacher Student Association. AMS PTSA membership for the 2015-16 school year is approximately 1300 parents, students, and community members which is over 100% of our annual goal. PTSA supports and assists with various student centered programs - Character Counts Receptions and Cook-out, Mornings with Parents, Library Volunteers, 6th Grade and New Student Orientation, School-wide Registration, Teacher Appreciation Week, Red Ribbon Week, and Career Day.
Tours: Tours are scheduled for parents of students who are moving to the area and are not currently zoned for AMS. Please contact AMS at 901-867-6015 and ask to speak to a School Counselor.
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