Memphis Schools

Belle Forest Community School


  • Grades Served: PK – 5
  • District: Shelby County Schools
  • State Designation: Reward School
  • 1051 Students
  • Methodology: Community School
  • School Day: 8am – 3:15pm
  • Extended Care: 6am – 6pm
  • Opened in 2013
  • Uniform Required
  • The first Community School in Memphis -- a Community School is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, services, supports and opportunities leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. Schools become centers of the community, open to everyone, all day, every day, evenings and weekends.
  • Belle Forest Community School has been named a Reward School for being in the top 5% in the state of Tennessee for academic growth.
  • School has partnered with the Mexican Consulate and has created Plaza Comunitaria, a community center for the Hispanic community in Memphis and surrounding areas, offering numerous resources to the Hispanic community, including educational opportunities
  • Weekly leadership series for students in 4th and 5th grade, which features different community leaders as keynote speakers
  • School has an outdoor amphitheater where special events are held, such as the annual tree lighting and Hattiloo on the Playground
  • Extracurriculars: Dance, Piano, Orchestra, Guitar, Mass Choir, Spanish, Garden Club, Mini Mad Scientist, Girl Scouts, Beta Club, Sports Club, Girls Step Team, Boys Step Team, Cheer Belles Varsity, Cheer Belles Junior Varsity, Belle Empowerment, Drama, Cursive Club, Yearbook, Newspaper, and Broadcasting.
  • Gifted Education: CLUE - Primary & Intermediate
  • Special Education: Pre-K Special Education class, Resource (Inclusion), Functional Skills
  • Parent Involvement: PTO, School Leadership Team, Watch DOGS, onsite parent assistance (Parent Resource Room - ESOL & GED classes), Lunch & Learn sessions, special events, social media, community partnerships

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  • Highly Diverse Economically68.6% of students are Economically Disadvantaged
  • Lacks Racial Diversity


Letter Grade
3 In 2023, the TVAAS Growth Score showed expected growth

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