Offers courses during the school day in creative and performing arts disciplines such as art, band, creative writing, drama, orchestra, piano, vocal music
Three computer labs, twelve mobile labs, SMART Boards in all classrooms
Student Council, Honor Society, Peer Mediation, Teen Living
High School credits for Honors Spanish, Physical Science, and Algebra I
Colonial Middle School recently received a Focus Grant. The school will be funded an additional 100,000 dollars to help close the achievement gap in ELL for the 2015-2016 school year.
Extracurriculars: Football, Volleyball, Soccer, Track, Baseball, Softball, Swimming, Basketball, Garden Club, Band, Choir, Orchestra, Honor Society, Student Council, Opera Club, and Best Buddies
Gifted Education: CLUE
Special Education: Behavior intervention class, functional skills class
Students must be zoned to school or apply for transfer through Optional or General Choice Transfer Processes.
Application Requirements: For 2017-18 Optional attendance - Creative and Performing Arts applicants must have report card grades of As and Bs, a satisfactory audition/interview/portfolio, and score at/above the 50th percentile on NWEA MAP reading and tests. Enriched Academics applicants must score at or above 75% on the NWEA MAP reading and math tests and report card grades of As and Bs with no more than one C as semester average. All applicants must have satisfactory conduct and attendance.
I think this school is kind of awesome because they don't put attention on bullying a seventh grader named Jose Belmudez abused me and Colonial Middle School hasn't do anything...Please help me he violate me!!! My name is Miriam Morales and i am in Seventh grade..
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